We have a Lord that delights in saving us. Amen! This week, we welcomed Matthew and Virginia, our Discern participants who will be helping to lead Discover groups this summer. I felt a bit of salvation, as this is a difficult program to run on one's own, so I'm thankful to have their help. We shared stories of the many ways our lives have been saved by God, and it is truly awesome when people come together and testify the greatness of our Lord in their lives.

(Matthew "saving" little Anne.)
We have Discover groups on their way in a week that we are buckling down to prepare for. They will be coming from Colorado, California, Washington, Arizona, and Nevada. May we all feel our God rejoicing over us with singing as we dig into some great hard work this summer! The thought of God singing to us, well, it's something I rarely consider and yet, it renders me in speechless wonder at the thought of that kind of beauty.
On the Dwell front, we will be holding a huge neighborhood yard sale later this month to raise some money, so if you're in the Hollywood area and have things to donate towards the sale, let us know! Please pray for discernment on the new big air hockey table just donated. It's fun and exciting for the neighborhood, but it takes up quite a bit of space (see below).

Blessings to you all this Friday and over this first weekend of June!
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