Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Stories In Progress EVENT, July 10, 2014! All are welcome!

The 'Story in Progress' of DOOR Hollywood is that it's growing, and working to provide more paying internships and opportunities for local teens and adults to serve as hosts to our Dwellers and Discover group delegations to Hollywood.

On July 10, 2014, we will hold our largest fundraiser in our history at CBS Radford Studios in Studio City, California.  It will be a street fair and silent auction along "New York Street," familiar to most as the site of Seinfeld, Brooklyn 99, and countless other moments of stories set in a city.

DOOR Hollywood is the story of our city.  Please RSVP by clicking here.

We also have a massive fundraising goal, and need everyone to help even if you can't attend.  

In the peace of Christ,
Matthew & Marvin

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