yes, i didn’t get fired for those of you wondering. i know it’s been a long time since i’ve posted anything about my friend’s place. it’s been busy and full of new opportunities to learn. my co-worker and i had the opportunity to take one of our young male clients to court for a loitering citation that he received from the cops while sitting in front of our gate-waiting for our agency to open. he was wanting to be first in line so that he could receive a shower, get some new clothes, and eat breakfast. he’s a brillant young man and was actually one of six who got the citation to show up and attempt to clear his ticket. luckily, when we got to the court office, we found out charges had never been filed. i wish you could have seen brian’s face as he fist-pumped me to show his excitement and relief about not having to actually go to court.
another woman i have to mention is alina. alina and i have gotten to be really great friends. she is 19 and tougher than i would ever know how to be. alina has been on her own since she was 12 years old, and traveled to L.A. from New York City on her own. She has been in and out of school, and has been experimenting with meth while she stays on the streets of hollywood. she transitions in and out of shelters, but recently has been making HUGE changes for herself.she got a job at a local grocery store and started saving her money.she made a $100 deposit to the W.O.O.W program-a transitional housing program that encourages healthy behaviors to improve a person’s overall wellness.she has quit using meth.she has surrounded herself with people who want her to succeed.she has started to believe in herself.alina’s brother passed away when she was 10, and she asked me to come and be with her while she visited her brother’s grave for the very first time. i love the work i do-it’s meaningful, beautiful, and life-changing.
i have decided that this kind of work is what i want to do for the rest of my life. i’m not anxious or stressed about what this next year brings for me, because i know where i’m meant to be. God has given me a gift to work with young people experiencing homelessness and i see His loving care and grace every day when i talk and get to know them. i know for sure that i want to continue my education in social work and for now that’s enough..

and when i need a break, i get to walk these adorable little pups
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