Friday, November 19, 2010

Help us raise $6,000 before 2011!

God is alive and well here at DOOR Hollywood and we are certainly thankful!  Alayna, Alex, Brady, Josh, Kyle, and Robert are settled in, deeply invested in their work with the homeless as well as the families surrounding 5846 Gregory!  (Click on their names for their ongoing blogs!)  And we need your help to keep this mission thriving: we currently are paying $12,000 annually in property taxes while we work tirelessly to re-establish our legitimate tax-exempt status with California.  All papers are in order and have been for over a year now, but the state is moving slowly.  That $12,000 could nearly cover the living expenses of one Dweller for a year, or it could allow us to send 20 local students from low-income families on a week-long service learning trip in Atlanta, Chicago, Denver, Miami, or San Antonio, covering program and travel.  Please help while we are in this waiting game, and please pray that we come out from under this requirement soon!  Click here to go directly to our credit card donation processing page.

From our sunrise hike this week.
God is alive and well in this city!
Merry Christmas from DOOR Hollywood!  Click on any photo to see more of the team in action.

Posada, December 13, 2010

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