Complicate Single Stories with DOOR Hollywood:
The parables of Jesus urge us to see past our limited understandings, or single story, of people who are different than us, the nature of God, the ways to right living. DOOR Hollywood, a multi-tiered urban ministry has been studying the damaging effects of the current single stories we are inundated with, often repetitively portrayed by television, movies, and news reports. What comes to mind when one thinks of “the homeless,” “the gang member,” “the immigrant,” “the single mother on welfare,” “the celebrity,” “the elderly,” and “kids these days.” Are we seeing our neighbors as people or as problems? Are we seeing them the way God asks us to? Are we able to humble ourselves to learn from a former prisoner, to see God’s face in a woman living on the streets? Come hear our stories in progress as we wrestle with these questions. Visit us for a weekend, a week, or living in intentional community for a year as a Dweller, and stay in touch with us on Twitter and Facebook. #DOORStories14