Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Complicating a Single Story

Complicate Single Stories with DOOR Hollywood:

The parables of Jesus urge us to see past our limited understandings, or single story, of people who are different than us, the nature of God, the ways to right living.  DOOR Hollywood, a multi-tiered urban ministry has been studying the damaging effects of the current single stories we are inundated with, often repetitively portrayed by television, movies, and news reports.  What comes to mind when one thinks of “the homeless,” “the gang member,” “the immigrant,” “the single mother on welfare,” “the celebrity,” “the elderly,” and “kids these days.”  Are we seeing our neighbors as people or as problems?  Are we seeing them the way God asks us to?  Are we able to humble ourselves to learn from a former prisoner, to see God’s face in a woman living on the streets?   Come hear our stories in progress as we wrestle with these questions.  Visit us for a weekend, a week, or living in intentional community for a year as a Dweller, and stay in touch with us on Twitter and Facebook.  #DOORStories14

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Stories In Progress, #DOORStories14

some really fun photos from our Stories in Progress event at CBS Radford Studio's "New York Street" tonight.   see more here: #DOORStories14

If you weren't able to make it, and still want to support us, click here


Tuesday, July 1, 2014


Thursday, July 10th, 6pm at CBS STUDIOS' NEW YORK STREET

With three overlapping programs, Discern, Dwell, and Discover, our fundraising needs are the largest they’ve ever been. DOOR Hollywood invites you to attend this special event, hosted for the first time at CBS Radford Studios on beautiful 'New York Street,' home of Brooklyn 99, Seinfeld, and countless other "city" scenes.

Come learn about DOOR's local mission of 'complicating the single stories,’ digging deeper than any news report dares to go and trying to follow Jesus' example of storytelling in the Good Samaritan parable, while breaking the bread of Mama’s Hot Tamales, great company, and experiencing one of LA's most unique silent auctions in a vibrant street-fair setting.

We also have a massive fundraising goal of $50,000, and need everyone to help even if you can't attend.  Every donation matters, from $5 to $500, so please help if you feel called.

In the peace of Christ,
Matthew & Marvin