Chronicle of DOOR Hollywood writings from 2008-2015, with testimonies from Directors, Dwellers, local Discern interns, Discover friends, leaders and stories of how God is working in the city of Angels. For more information, visit:
Saturday, October 31, 2009
God Gives, God Takes
Friday, October 23, 2009
From Stephanie
Dear Friends and Family,
I hope that this letter finds you doing well and that you are getting back into the swing of things as, sadly, summer is officially over and fall has begun! As most of you know already, I have “finished ” my year of service in the Los Angeles area (specifically Hollywood and Pasadena) and have been living back in Arizona for a little over a month now. I apologize for the delay in getting this final letter to you. As you can probably imagine, I experienced, witnessed and grew a lot in this past year, and it has taken some time to process it all.
A lot has happened this past year, for all of us, so let me take a minute to give a quick recap of what I did while I was in Los Angeles. Last September, I moved to an urban part of Hollywood to live in an intentional Christian community with 3 other women. In addition to working with the families, especially the children, in the neighborhood, I worked 32 hours a week at a transitional house for homeless families in Pasadena. The name of the organization is Door of Hope and I was the director of the after school program for kids ages 3-13. I have been keeping you all updated throughout my year of service, however I would like to take this time to reflect with you now that the year has come to an end.
Friday, October 16, 2009
Everything as it Should Be....
Thursday, October 8, 2009

"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you." - Matthew 7:7 NIV
"Although it has an important biological function, fear can sometimes be a bad thing. In the Bible, God is frequently telling folks to relax and "be not afraid." Fear can make us act violently and hatefully. Fear is probably the number one reason why most of us don't really pay too much attention when Jesus tells us to "love our enemies." Fear is why a lot of kids join gangs. Fear is why we build walls between us and them, and also why we steer clear of certain "wrong" sides of town.
The reason I would refer to South Central as the "wrong" side of town for guys like me and Curtis has a little to do with race and a lot to do with money and power. I've said it before (almost exactly a year ago, as a matter of fact) and I'll say it again: if you don't have money or power, you have very little reason to be afraid in the inner city. Not coincidentally, that's what this year of dwelling in the inner city is about. Freeing ourselves from enslavement to worldly money and power. Coming face to face with people that are different than us and that sometimes scare us....." -From Alex's blog about an experience after a USC football game (shown above.)
Blessings and peace to you all!