"He'll settle things fairly between nations.
He'll make things right between many peoples.
They'll turn their swords into shovels,
their spears into hoes.
No more will nation fight nation;
they won't play war anymore.
Come, family of Jacob,
let's live in the light of God." - Isaiah 2:4-5, The Message
What was turning into a long time of human planning, God turned into a miraculously quick event. In my incoming transition, I was told that some young men from the neighborhood really wanted to decorate the outer walls of La Casa de Comunidad. Jen, one of our Dwellers from last year, informed me of this last fall, but I admit, I was new and uncertain of what it would entail. So I waited, and quite frankly, forgot.
However, this verse and God's will sifted back into my awareness, and I thought it might be great to revisit this before our upcoming dinner to highlight the faithful legacy of this neighborhood ministry, both from the Dwellers and the neighbors! If you live anywhere in LA, even the San Fernando Valley (or, possibly at this point, more so) you can't help but notice the drastic increase in tagging. It's on everything from park benches to soaring billboards: people are determined to make their mark. The community response to this seems to be just as varied: from simply frustrated and annoyed to downright afraid, presumably in regards to the gang related territorialism it may suggest. Seems to me that tagging might be one of the modern day "swords", one of the ways to keep a fight going between peoples: a war between, and within, nations.
I called Jen last Sunday, expecting that the opportunity to have the work done was long since passed, given my stalling on the matter. However, I found that God had something else in mind, and when God's will is to be done, things can happen in the blink of an eye. Literally, this entire project was done by two young men, in about 3 hours time, and in less than a day from when I thought to call!
It was truly a moment of "living in the light," as dozens of wandering neighborhood kids noticed the work being done, and started shouting at the two artists, "what are you two doing? You can't tag that house's walls!" To which they replied, "no, no, no, we can, they ASKED us to." Amen.
May we all find ways, each day, to ask God to help us turn over elements of this world that can be used for fear or intimidation and transform them into encouragement and celebration. I guess that's kind of what fireworks are, yes?
So we invite you to come to Hollywood, visit our neighborhood, feel the fireworks, and see the Face of God shining here. Oh, and bring an actual shovel or a hoe, though I guess a sword or a spear could help too, as the garden still needs a ton of work! :)
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